Today, I bought an hermes 3000 typewriter at a store called 'house of vintage' on Hawthorn here in SE Portland!
I am still trying to figure out the margins
and my typingacurecy accuracy is not all that great
but I love it!
did I mention it's SEAFOAM GREEN, the same color as my beach cruiser?
and comes with a matching carrying case?
like Tessa told me, when I was asking her to justify this purchase over text message, 'It's typewriter destiny!'
and my typing
but I love it!
did I mention it's SEAFOAM GREEN, the same color as my beach cruiser?
and comes with a matching carrying case?
like Tessa told me, when I was asking her to justify this purchase over text message, 'It's typewriter destiny!'
AHHHH!!!!!! this is THEE exact one I have been wanting. i am soooooo jealous. samantha shorey.. our connection never fails to shock me haha. congratulations though :) i refuse to start my novel until i find that typewriter that speaks to me.