the sound of sunshine.

The whole world seems different when the sun finally comes.  There's the smell of dusty pavement and the satisfying tingle of a slight sunburn. But, my favorite is the change in sound - the singular shouts that carry. Winter months are a muffled din;  hazy, indistinguishable, and gray. 

Sunshine sounds like car alarms, and soul music on the stereo. It sounds like rugs being shook-out on the back porch and the neighbors, three houses down, bickering.  

I woke up this morning to the hum of my fan and before I even opened my eyes I knew what I would find. The windows were open, and bathed in shade. The blue sky stretched on for miles. 

(photos) on instagram at Woodsman Market (follow along!) username : SamShorey. 


  1. The sound of sunshine for me is birds singing and the lawn mower out front humming away. :)

    1. I love the sound of a distant lawn mower (you can hear them for blocks!)

  2. I always hear leaves in the wind and see the light dappling across the windowsill. When the sun hits like that, I know winter is well past.

  3. oh, you have a beautiful way with words! you have a new follower on instagram. i finally caved and am a part of instagram now as well. you can find me @nocoffeeforme

  4. I agree with Allie - the sound of a lawn mower means that winter is far, far behind me. I love this post.

  5. this reminds me of my mom. when i was little, she used to hold sheets up to my nose after they'd been drying on the clothesline and say, "do you smell that? that's sunshine."

    1. Caitie, that is the best thing I've heard in a long time. That is how sunshine smells, isn't it?

  6. Your words are sublime.


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