I look really horrible in red. It makes my skin look washed out and blotchy, but this holiday season I've been all about litttle pop's of red in my accessories (which luckily doesn't accentuate the little pop's of red on my face known as acne) Its just so festive!!

(1) Striking red hairbow in the winter gray at Naturally Nina
(2) Red lipstick pairs perfectly with a mustard colored coat at Rockstar Diaries
(3) Part French, part Annie Hall: red lipstick and a crisp white mens-shirt at G. Dore
(4) A pair of my favorite italian leather highheels from Buffalo Exchange in Eugene.
(5) I could use a pair of boots and an umbrella like this to fight dreary Oregon rain (illustration by Caram Batack)
(6) flowered necklace/potential headband at Anthropology that I almost bought when Christmas shopping... unfortunately it is the season of giving, not buying for oneself.
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