Mary Oliver | On Writing the Good

"I don't usually mess around with what makes me unhappy when I'm writing. I want to write poems that will comfort, maybe amuse, enliven other people. I don't mean that the world is all great and wonderful. But I'm careful to - I try to keep the emphasis on the good and hopeful"

O Magazine

* Sometimes I struggle with the work I do. I rarely give a face to my shadows, and instead focus here on the little moments of clarity. Oliver puts it so perfectly; about the intention we both have when writing.

(photo) double exposure, with Diana on 120mm. (quote) O Magazine. April 2010 'The Poetry Issue'. Just maybe my favorite issue ever!


  1. Hi Sam! I came across your blog this evening while researching a project and was instantly at home and peace. So truly pleased and delighted to know that I am not alone. Xx Joan Alice Jouan

  2. What a lovely quote, wish I could be like that now.



  3. What a great quote! And how amazing it would be if everyone applied it to everything they do. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Words of inspiration. Thanks for sharing and drop by me too, soon.


  5. I personally think it's important to narrate both the light and the shade as they're all human experiences and fiction is part of the way we make sense of ourselves and our world.

  6. Joan : That's one of my favorite things about blogging. I love finding someone who assures me that I'm not the only one. I'm so happy to have paid that feeling foward.

    Hila : I do agree with you! Alan Ginsberg talks about how important it is to be "frank" (straight forward) with writing - I wish I was braver.


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