review | Boston

Over the weekend, my best friend Tessa and  our her boyfriend came out to the East Coast to visit me. We stayed in Boston, had manicures and Andy took us out to a fancy oyster dinner (side note: I had my first oyster ever! I thought it was going to be terrible, but it wasn't.)

I don't think I realized how important these things were to me. To spend time with people when the conversation - and the laughter! - is effortless. to indulge. to celebrate. Since moving I've been totally dried up, both emotionally and financially. But, last weekend was like having my old life back. I felt the easy happiness of being comfortable.

When they left on sunday, I was a mess. I was going back to my new life at graduate school (a gift itself and a blessing, I know this.)  But things are a little harder there. At least for now.  

After I stopped my sniffling I went for coffee in Cambridge, where I spent the morning walking around the college campuses. It reminded me of why I'm doing this. The cobblestone streets and old brick buildings are part of the dream I'm chasing. The dream of living the academic life, where ever that may lead me. 

(photos) iphone | 1 + 2 boston harbor | 3 island creek oyster bar (their website is adorable!) | 4 tattee cafe


  1. your life is so pretty right now, but I understand the pain of missing your old one. I hope readjusting to the academic life is going well :)

  2. I can relate to the feelings that come with the ease of relating to tried and true friends. I recently graduated from college and am living at home until I leave for France in January. It was very life-giving when I was able to visit my college town a few weeks ago, but saying goodbye was harder than it was the first time. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Moving to a brand new place is so scary and exciting, but soon you'll make friends there that you don't know how you lived without :)

  4. I want to come visit you! I just may have to!

    1. I'd love that, Megan! we can even meet in the middle somewhere. I'm determined to see as much of this coast as I can.

  5. Keep on truckin' Sam! You wouldn't believe that I used to cry in the showers at Founders because I was so homesick! That was so temporary, but it happened! And then you find your way. I know you know that! There's a quote that says everyday may not be good, but there's something good in everyday... Keep on taking your photos, because that is a beautiful thing! And good luck in school!

    1. Kate, I've been thinking a lot about freshman year in Founders here actually. It's reassuring to look back and know that even though I thought everyone else had it all figured out - we were all just trying to find our way. I should remember this time around is no different.

  6. Oh, Sam. *internet bear-hug from the friend you've never met face-to-face*

  7. Lord have mercy do I relate to this. Being in nyc has given me a run for my money (literally and emotionally). But at the end of the day, how lucky we are to be able to chase our dreams good and hard. Hugs to you my dear.

    1. you are so (so.) right, Kimia. This comment really did a lot for me - reminded me that I'm less alone in the chase than I think and that struggling is just part of the process. It's funny the way we root for other people. I've followed your moves from San Francisco to India to New York and there isn't a doubt in my mind that this will be worth it for you. I needed to step out of myself for a second, and realize that maybe I'm in that same place too!

  8. this sounds like such a lovely weekend! and arent oysters just soooo delish??

  9. Sam, that first picture of the brick building is so lovely — overcast days make for the prettiest colors.

    1. yes! you know me and my wide-open-aperture love them the mostest.


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