show + tell | French Press

When I was moving across the country, I shipped a box of my seven favorite coffee mugs and my french press with the USPS. I'm not sure if they misread the word "fragile" written all over the box as "f-ya-drop-kick-this" ... but, by the time it arrived, every single item in there was crushed into hundreds of pieces. Including my french press, which was made of metal (don't ask me how that's even possible). 

The brightside of the cardboard box carnage was that I treated myself to an upgrade. Let me introduce you to the Bodum Eileen! A modernist golden french press named for the Irish designer Eileen Gray. The only drawback is that the press is so pretty I take it to my desk, where I inadvertently drink a whole pot of coffee and end up rapidly surfing the internet. 

(photo) with my iPhone (available) by Bodum, ordered off Amazon. it was only about ten dollars more than the standard.  (p.s.) this post on Reading My Tea Leaves about how to make cold press changed my life. Apparently it's just water + coffee + sit over night!


  1. the USPS is so dumb sometimes. that's super frustrating. but at least you got something pretty from it! I love it.

  2. Oh my, that is lovely! I was thinking of upgrading my banged-up french press (my own doing, not the postal service) and this looks like just the thing...

    1. oh, yes! It's silly how much joy can come from a single (albiet gold plated) object. As my grandmother says "first class or not at all!"

  3. This is perfect, at my parents place we have the silver one, but the gold alalalal so preety and french press is my favourite!

  4. no way. this is amazing. i didn't even know a press like this existed. i love it!

  5. That's a beautiful replacement! I need but don't need one of those.

    1. "need by don't need", I think I should have an entire shopping list titled just that!

  6. I actually saw this same french press a few months ago and sent a link to my mother and asked for it for Chrsitmas. Because I still ask for Christmas presents. And I think she's santa. My point is, I love it and I can't wait until it's mine!!! I'm sorry about your mugs though. For. Real.


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