weekend reading | Other Than Restless

After spending last weekend main-lining the seven episodes of True Detective, we are all very excited for the finale this Sunday. Have you guys been watching it? The writer was actually inspired by a part of philosophy (nihilism) that Tyler is studying as an aspect of his PhD. So we've had a lot of fun talking about the different ways it shows up -- all the stuff about pointlessness, death, and the differing degrees of consciousness in the characters. And of course, we've loved the detective part too! There may or may not be a Childress/Le Doux family tree tacked up on the wall, as we try to figure out who-done-it.  I think it's just what I needed in this especially restless last bit of Winter.

weekend reading | Things That Made Me Feel Something Other Than Restless
(photo) iphone + vsco | last light of the day in downtown Amherst, MA


  1. i haven't watched it. now i should.

  2. The show is incredible (as is your blog/life/photos, all of which I follow with conviction). Here's a link to some prints my friend has been doing based on the show: http://www.wekeeptheotherbadmenfromthedoor.com



    1. Samantha, these are SO cool and the text describing everyone is hilarious! I especially like the two Rusts -- so on point! I've been embarrassingly reading everything I can get my hands online (I never did the whole 24, Lost or Breaking Bad thing, but I think I finally get how all those watchers felt!).

  3. Counting down til tonight! WHO IS THE YELLOW KING?

  4. I read that article. And now I'm crying at my desk. I just love this stuff!


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