Like Mother Like Daughter

Like Mother Like Daughter ( I )
I am 5-feet-6-inches tall. It's marked on the yard stick in the hallway. You can see, before it, my sister and I at 3 ft and 4-feet-11-inches. We measured our height and it changed every year. But, all the while, when we were growing up, the line titled "Mom" stayed the same. It's marked at 5-feet-6-inches. Then her bones began to shrink and she left us, inch by inch, until she was gone.  I wonder what it would be like to stand face to face, without looking up. I honestly can't imagine it; now that I'm 5-feet-6-inches.

Even without her here, I am slowly becoming her. 
In my own small way, I am bringing her back.

(photos) my mom, my sister, and I on the ferry from San Francisco to Sausalito in 1999 + my sister and I, again on our way to Sausalito in 2009 | another shared moment between our two lives
(p.s) on mothers & loss | my Mom's playlist



  1. What a beautiful tribute to your mother. I couldn't stop myself from tearing up while I read your words. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.

  2. this was heartbreaking to read, I'm so sorry. It was incredibly beautiful though - one of the best mother's day posts I've ever read.

  3. I am crying in the airport. I love you!

  4. There is so much beauty in your sweet simplicity, Sam. Thanks for being so hostest in your sharing.

  5. You write so beautifully! :) Thank you! So sorry about your Mom! <3

  6. oh good lord, this is one of the most beautiful things i've ever read. you both look just like her--stunning. i'm thinking of you today, wishing you such good things.

  7. Adorable.
    I am also turning into my mother! Luckily I want to be just like her:)
    Have a wonderful week!

  8. I'm so sorry for your loss. She sees you in all your 5-foot-6-inch writerly glory, and she loves you. My heart goes out to you and your sister. My mother is sick and this year's Mother's Day was hard, knowing that it very well could be our last with her, so I feel a glimpse of your pain.


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